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10 votes

Why do artists use pigments instead of dyes in paintings?

While more historical artists likely didn't understand the chemical processes behind the behaviors of the two options, the biggest reason is permanence. Dyes are organic substances that are either ...
Joanne C's user avatar
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6 votes

Why is my dyed plaster losing its color?

The dye you have linked to is known as Blue 1, or Brilliant Blue FCF, and is, unlike my comments under the question, a synthetic dye. It is a dye that can be consumed by humans. It is not defined as a ...
BeaglesEnd's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I fully bleach a polyester shirt?

Bleaching works "as expected" for natural plant fibers (e.g. cotton). Polyester is actually a plastic, and bleaching will not have the same effect. I expect one (some?) of the following: no change; ...
virolino's user avatar
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3 votes

How to completely dye or tint or color clear transparency sheet?

There are fabric dyes for synthetic fibers that will work to tint clear transparency film, but it is a messy, time-consuming process. Also, anything you print or paint on the surface is unlikely to ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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3 votes

Can you make epoxy resin art clearer (more transparent) after the object has dried?

Diagnostics From the pictures, it looks like the problem is transparency rather than darkness from too much dye. In fact, the tinting is barely visible, so ignore my comment about trying to fade the ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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3 votes

Dyeing hard polycarbonate plastic

Get 2 clear plastic bowls that are the same size and some clear bathtub silicon in a tube. Glue one bowl in the eyeball, this is the iris - paint it so it looks good, glue the other bowl upside down ...
Nothingismagick's user avatar
3 votes

How can I properly dye rose petals?

I discovered that by simply cutting the stems and adding black dye to the vase and simply placing the roses in the vase will color them black. I tried this and it works great. You can dye the ...
steelersquirrel's user avatar
3 votes

Is Soda Ash used in Tie Dying septic safe?

Most of the resources that I reviewed agree that the amount of soda ash used for home dyeing is safe to pour down the drain. However, I agree that it is important to take extra precautions with a ...
magerber's user avatar
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2 votes

Can you make epoxy resin art clearer (more transparent) after the object has dried?

This cast was probably too high for this specific resin and due to the exothermic reaction the resin heated up so much that it boiled. That's why there are gigantic air bubbles in it and the surface ...
Elmy's user avatar
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2 votes

Creating one-way mirror-like lenses

If you put clear tape on frosted glass it becomes see-through. You could try that if it's meant to be a momentary peek-though situation. Or you could mostly frost it with white alcohol ink. Just ...
Doyousketch2's user avatar
2 votes

Why do artists use pigments instead of dyes in paintings?

The existing answers all seem to focus on stability and longevity. That's all true, but I think a more fundamental reason is suitability to the task of providing specific, desired colors where you ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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2 votes

Why do artists use pigments instead of dyes in paintings?

As I understand it, dyes work via chemical reactions with the materials around them--the type of carrier liquid, chemicals within that carrier liquid, the material that they are being applied to, the ...
magerber's user avatar
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2 votes

Why do artists use pigments instead of dyes in paintings?

Most artists used the best materials for the job they could afford. While dyes were often cheaper, you would often know that they would lose colour in the next few years, while pigments were often ...
Willeke's user avatar
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Can I dye a pumpkin?

Well, yes you can... lots of people dip dye pumpkins using food coloring, though the outer skin of the pumpkin will not absorb the dyes as well as the flesh of the pumpkin. If you want to enhance the ...
Joanne C's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I stop dye from rubbing off burlap?

It is hard to guess what went wrong in the dying process, but I am assuming you have a natural jute fiber burlap. You will probably have to dye the fabric again. What usually works is Rit - which you ...
Nothingismagick's user avatar
1 vote

How to completely dye or tint or color clear transparency sheet?

Reading the answer and comments I'd like to point out what probably won't work and why. transparent inkjet sheets are coated with a rubbery substance that can absorb the printer ink. This coating will ...
Elmy's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I properly dye rose petals?

If these are silk rose petals, I might try using some Rit or other fabric dye (the cheap kind you get in the little boxes at some hardware stores). I would put them in a zip-lock bag, pour in enough ...
Cindy Skillman's user avatar

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