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8 votes

What's a good way to preserve live roses?

You need to dry the rose as soon as possible, before it wilts. If the air in your home is dry and warm, hang the rose upside down over a heater or in front of an AC outlet by a piece of yarn you tie ...
Elmy's user avatar
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6 votes

Can I cast a glow in the dark flower in resin?

A few comments about the problem as a whole, before I address your specific question... You are attempting to encapsulate something in a clear resin shell. That shell lacks any distinct shape, being ...
Henry Taylor's user avatar
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4 votes

How do you prevent paper pulp from sticking to a flat surface as it dries?

When making your own paper, the frame and deckle ( = the frame with the mesh and a second frame for straight edges) is only used to lift the pulp from the vat ( = container with the paper slurry). ...
Elmy's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I properly dye rose petals?

I discovered that by simply cutting the stems and adding black dye to the vase and simply placing the roses in the vase will color them black. I tried this and it works great. You can dye the ...
steelersquirrel's user avatar
3 votes

How can I make my flowers glow in the dark?

I lack both the chemistry and botany knowledge to address you question directly. @ChrisH's comment suggests that your phosphorus pigments won't wick up through the stems like the compounds in the ...
Henry Taylor's user avatar
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2 votes

Tips for pressing flowers using a microwave

It may take some of the guesswork out of the process to use a microwave flower drying kit. These became available after this question was asked. Microwave ovens vary in power, so there is still some ...
Dolly's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I properly dye rose petals?

If these are silk rose petals, I might try using some Rit or other fabric dye (the cheap kind you get in the little boxes at some hardware stores). I would put them in a zip-lock bag, pour in enough ...
Cindy Skillman's user avatar

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