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7 votes

In comic making, what purpose does cutting a single image into panels serve?

The division in panels is used to signify the passing of time, occurring in the direction of reading. This is known as sequential narrative. Whether the panels consist of different images or divide ...
Joachim's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there an "ideal" width-to-height ratio for speech bubbles in English language comics?

There is no specific "ideal ratio" for the shape itself, other than that in English (and other words with a horizontal layout), you will generally want the following: Oval in shape Wider ...
Allison C's user avatar
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4 votes

How to preserve comic pages drawn by pencil?

There are a number of ways to preserve pencil drawings. This question is explicit in distinguishing that the drawings were purchased, which introduces another consideration. A common way to preserve ...
4 votes

In comic making, what purpose does cutting a single image into panels serve?

Adding to Joachim’s “passage of time” explanation and considering his example image specifically, composite images consuming multiple frames also consume more of the current page than conventional ...
Henry Taylor's user avatar
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3 votes

How to preserve comic pages drawn by pencil?

Mylar sleeves for storage are the most common way comics collectors protect original art, being the sturdiest and least likely to cause chemical damage to the paper. Mylar and acid-free cardboard are ...
inkista's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there an "ideal" width-to-height ratio for speech bubbles in English language comics?

I'm not aware of any "ideal" ratio of speech bubbles, but I feel there are some subjective rules. If there are only 1 - 3 short words to write, you can opt for a long and narrow speech ...
Elmy's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there an "ideal" width-to-height ratio for speech bubbles in English language comics?

I am not aware of such "ideal". In this context, "ideal" is defined by what is expected by the author / artist. There are several aspect to be considered: length of text; ...
virolino's user avatar
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2 votes

What should I do to the background pallet when focussing in on a character who is distressed?

I'd say that depends on what you want the reader to focus on. Comic book panels aren't primarily about aesthetic image composition or a realistic reflection of the world, but about directing the ...
Elmy's user avatar
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2 votes

What do the terms "lineist" and "colorist" mean in reference to painting styles?

This is my contribution. Around 1919, the lineist aesthetic emerged, which proposed the line as a symbolic representation of the surface, thus replacing the plane. Among the first lineist works are ...
Danielillo's user avatar
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2 votes

What do the terms "lineist" and "colorist" mean in reference to painting styles?

I've heard terms like "lineast" and "colorist" used for animators. They aren't the standard terms used in the field, but I've heard them used nevertheless. The "lineast" ...
Amazon Dies In Darkness's user avatar
2 votes

Is there an "ideal" width-to-height ratio for speech bubbles in English language comics?

Is there an "ideal" width-to-height ratio for speech bubbles in English language comics? Not really. Alternatively: the ideal ratio is relative to the context and contents of each ...
Joachim's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I adopt a specific style in illustration?

The best way to learn to work in the style of the artists that inspire you is mimicry. Instead of "just doodling" start making copies of the work of the artists you like. This is 100% ok as ...
rebusB's user avatar
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