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5 votes

Fountain pen tip use for dip pen?

No. As there is no place for the fountain pen tip to hold a reservoir of ink through dipping. A dip pen has a slight concave curvature. This curvature helps to hold, with the help of the surface ...
John Vukelic's user avatar
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How does embossing powder work? What paper is most recommended to be used with it?

The kind of embossing powder that I'm familiar with, is melted with a heat gun. After being melted, it gets smooth and creates an embossed layer above the paper. I think any kind of strong durable ...
Bella Swan's user avatar
5 votes

Can I use the ink from the Photosmart inkjet cartridges for my dip calligraphy pens?

Yes, inkjet ink works with brushes. It's thinner than the usual ink for dip pens, but give it a try. I haven't broken open cartridges to get it, but used the ink from a refill kit. Because they're ...
y6nH's user avatar
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4 votes

Finest ballpoint/rollerball pen?

Ball tips I was familiar with the Uni-ball Signo 0.28mm tips (virtually the same as a 0.3mm tip, which is commonly available), but the 0.18 was new to me, and that's apparently been discontinued. I ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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4 votes

How does embossing powder work? What paper is most recommended to be used with it?

Year-old question, but timeless subject matter. You asked about the procedure. For completeness, I'll add a little detail about that, and some thoughts on the paper. The embossing powder is ...
fixer1234's user avatar
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3 votes

Tracing/transfer words onto wooden surface?

I've done something similar with white transfer paper and it worked really well. I'm sure you know regular carbon / transfer paper. There are options in white or yellow instead of black / blue. I ...
Elmy's user avatar
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3 votes

Fountain pen tip use for dip pen?

It depends on the type of fountain pen nib, but yes, you can. Obviously, you want the right tools, know-how, experience, and touch if you plan to dismantle a pen, and it's all at your own risk. ...
inkista's user avatar
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3 votes

As a calligraphy beginner, what features should I look for in an ink?

In my experience, the best advice for newbies is that which educates them toward nolonger being newbies. The qualities of an ink are based on its composition An ink is composed of 3 parts which, ...
JAMalcolmson's user avatar
2 votes

Fine liners that don't wear out quickly?

The smaller the tip, the faster it's going to wear out; 0.1 and 0.05 especially tend to wear out and break noticeably faster than wider tips, even with a light touch. There are only two solutions I ...
Allison C's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the name of these "offset" nibs and pens?

The two images in the original question are both images of pointed pen nibs. Within "pointed pens" there are variations - the top image is an oblique nib while the bottom image is an oblique ...
Romna Dolan's user avatar
1 vote

Tracing/transfer words onto wooden surface?

The easiest way, if you can get your hands on the technology, would be projecting an image of the text onto the board. You can use a digital projector set up on table top since the target is small. ...
rebusB's user avatar
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1 vote

Tracing/transfer words onto wooden surface?

You might be able to use a print and go over it with a perforation wheel that makes tiny holes in the lines and then draw chalk over top? Or Graphite paper instead of just transfer paper. It'll be ...
Kirsten Prater's user avatar

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