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Questions tagged [graphite]

For questions specifically about graphite as an isolated medium, or its material properties. For questions involving the use of graphite pencils, use the [pencil] tag.

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1 vote
2 answers

What are the pros and cons of graphite as opposed to charcoal?

My two favorite mediums are charcoal and graphite, and am asking for some pros and cons between the two. I was thinking like a Venn Diagram type of pros and cons. Here are some examples: Charcoal ...
7 votes
2 answers

Should I spray my graphite drawing with fixative before shipping it or should I advise my customer to spray it when it arrives?

I'm about to finish up a graphite drawing I was commissioned to draw and my customer doesn't live close enough to give them the drawing in person. So, I need to roll it up and ship it to them. Will ...
0 votes
0 answers

What paper type should be used for charcoal drawing? [duplicate]

I have problems in blending and getting smooth texture when I use my charcoal pencil on a Monte Marte Jumbo Drawing Pad. I have Strathmore but yet to try it out.
4 votes
1 answer

Does creating lighter shades from darker pencils actually increase the chances of it getting smudged and smeared?

Suppose you have 6B pencil from some reputed brand. You can create various degrees of shades using it. For example, if you use less pressure and hold it at a very low angle (slanted), it will give ...
3 votes
2 answers

Is it possible that the wood used in newer pencils could be a bit better than old ones from same series? Or wood could degrade with time?

I noticed a strange and unexpected thing recently. I never paid attention to details of pencils because I had assumed if a pencil is from a well known brand, they would be consistent for same series. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Are there any pros and cons of using more than 5-6 grades of pencils for a single drawing especially a portrait?

Earlier, for past 3 years I used to use at least 7 Staedtler pencils (6H, 4H, HB, 2B, 3B, 4B, 6B, 9B) for a single portrait drawing. In last 1 year, I reduced it to around 5 pencils (2H, HB, 4B, 6B, ...
2 votes
2 answers

How do I mix charcoal and graphite correctly?

Using graphite is somewhat risky. I've seen that when I use graphite it ends up very shiny, am I doing anything wrong? If im correct, the process is: apply the charcoal then the graphite, but how can ...
5 votes
1 answer

Can an artist use graphite powder made for dry lubricant?

Graphite powder for use by artists costs significantly more than graphite powder used as a dry lubricant. Is the latter usable for artistic purposes? Is it hazardous in any way?
3 votes
0 answers

How to retroactively remove the shiny effect of graphite pencils? [duplicate]

I made a sketch using graphite and charcoal pencils in low-light. When I looked at the sketch under normal lighting, it was very shiny. How can I retroactively make a graphite sketch less shiny?
7 votes
5 answers

How to stop or reduce graphite from reflecting light?

Drawings drawn with graphite shine a lot under even a little light. The paper needs to be held at certain angle for proper viewing. Anyway to reduce or stop this?