I have some EL wire I used once to make a cool glow suit that ended up looking like buzz lightyear, but now I want to move onto a different project. I've already removed it from the first set, but this other project I have in mind I want to keep for a while so I would like to find a way to attach the EL wire in a more permanent way. In the first version, I used clothes pins and threaded the wire through the little holes on one end and then capped it after it was finished, and that worked well for the short time I needed it. However, I need to make it a bit longer lasting this time around. I plan to attach the EL wire to a quick-dry shirt, and maybe a little on some pants but not much.
I will be moving around a bit, so hopefully this option will allow for some movement, and I would also like to do some sharper corners for a sort of 'cracks' pattern when I mount it so that might narrow it down some.
Any ideas?