I currently have a Figma 6 inch scale figure and unfortunately, I broke off a peg from the double ball shoulder joint. The broken peg was stuck in the hole connecting the arm so I used a knife to jam it out. As a way of fixing the joint, I was hoping to use a screw and essentially screw it into the hole while using the head of the screw as a way to connect the arm to the double ball joint. I was thinking of applying a Loctite superglue at the head and fuse it to the area on the joint where the peg broke off.
Is this method of fixing my figure okay, so should I be causing more damage?
As an alternative method, I could just use the broken peg that I jammed out of the figure's arm and superglue it to the ball joint but I don't know if the peg will stay in place as the surface of the peg is uneven due to the jamming.