I want to make some kind of lenses.
I want to dye (or buy) a piece of white glass or plastic (whatever works best) white. However However, I still want to be able to see through it. - I guess about 80% white - 20%and 20% transparent. I only need to see through from one side, so a mesh would probably be an Idea, however this is not the prefered solution.
The "frosted" look probably lets enough light througha good idea, however -although it is not see through.
There are some electric "foils" that can be put on windows, to change it from clear to opaque( by percentage), but I dont think that this is the thing I'm looking for, because I don't have to change the opacity and like this I'd be reliable on electricitypreferred solution.
One side isshould be dark, the otherone isother bright most of the times bright, and the white side (percevedas perceived from the bright side) should be percevedperceived as white even if the "outer" person is very close to the glass.
The "see-through" from the inner site doesn't have to be as perfect, like on as a two way-way mirror, and it's. It's okay, if the person has to get really close (like the distance of sunglasses). Pinnhole, but pinhole glasses won't do it.
I want to make some kind of lenses.
The "frosted" look probably would let enough light through but is not see-through.
There are some electric "foils" that can be put on windows, to change it from clear to opaque (by percentage), but I don't think that this is the thing I'm looking for, because I don't need to change the opacity, and they would make the effect reliant on electricity.
Dye could also be the way to go.
Maybe dye is not the way to go, I don't know. How would I solve this problem?How could I solve this problem?
I beleve Legecy Effects, Airbrushedlike the airbrushed part of the Visorvisor on Robocop, might by Legacy Effects: could this be a possibillytypossibility? How would I do this, so it kepps to beremains a little bit transparent?
Feel free to edit the question, if it seems unclear and you think that you could claryfy it.