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Aaargh Zombies's user avatar
Aaargh Zombies's user avatar
Aaargh Zombies
  • Member for 3 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
5 votes

Are alcohol inks safe to use in a public makerspace?

3 votes

How can I unstick my airbrush needle?

3 votes

Epoxy resin won't dry and remains sticky

2 votes

Acrylic piece vs Epoxy resin

2 votes

How would you make a plushie's bottom flat?

2 votes

How can I make a presentation board rough or sticky?

2 votes

How would one go about creating a "trunk" for a gemstone tree?

2 votes

Is laminating books with adhesive plastic film a bad idea (and why)?

2 votes

How can I achieve a strong and reliable bond between wood and copper/brass for my wooden stick production?

2 votes

Tempera Paints for Making Washes?

1 vote

How would I go about making this 2mm EVA foam mask sturdier, and what should I use?

1 vote

Working with epoxy resin crafts/colors blooming or spreading

1 vote

How can I create puppet eyes?

1 vote

creating a pumpkin skin texture for easy dry brushing?

1 vote

Plastics options for molding

1 vote

Is there a specific type of pen/marker that won't rub off on EVA foam?

1 vote

What are some inexpensive alternatives to epoxy resin for diorama water effects?

1 vote

How do I exaggerate without losing believability?

0 votes

How to keep Craft matchsticks from splitting while cutting?

0 votes

Will a die cutter work for intricate 'lace style' cut outs in paper?

0 votes

Detergent residue on the surface before painting - how bad is it?

0 votes

How to temporary stick paper/card together so it can be removed later without tearing and too much residue

0 votes

How can I attach casters to a 1/4" plywood board when I only have access to one side?

0 votes

Fasteners other than Hook and Loop

0 votes

How do I "capture" spray paint so that I can apply it with a brush to touch up some damaged areas on a model?

0 votes

Easy way to steam a large piece of velvet

0 votes

Sticky Mod Podge

0 votes

Is there a good way to remove leftover adhesive from a soft-drink bottle?

0 votes

Adhesive or glue for attaching fabric to hard thin plastic

0 votes

Cutting a stack of paper into a complex shape (got to make a LOT of these)