Masking tape is the general term for a kind of tape for masking off parts of a range of materials (wood, stone, glass, concrete, &c.). The glue will need to have a certain level of bonding (often pressure-bonding) with the surface for it to stay in place and keep the paint from covering - or seeping in on - that surface.
The amount of bonding is dependent on the surface it is intended for.
What you need is drafting tape, a masking tape specifically aimed at taping paper, which has a weaker bonding. It is similar to kraft tape, which you can also use.
Depending on your application, an alternative to tapes can be masking fluid, a liquid that cures into an aquaphobic latex layer which you can easily peel off of the paper. It is often used by watercolour artists to mask areas that need to keep the colour of the paper.