There are certainly several methods to be found online however most of them can have mixed results where you edges are concerned. This can be done rather well with a scoring jig, regular glass cutter and water. Depending on how often you are going to be doing this will influence the tools and jig.
Cutting glass, so that it breaks predictably, can be done well with a glass cutter, or similar tool, and the right pressure.
The jig
You need to be able to move the bottle around and apply consistent pressure with the cutting tool. Again, you will find oodles of options for these jigs but a simple one involves some wood and casters.
The frame needs a base with a tool rest and a back where the bottle bottom will rest. At least four casters will help the bottle rotate while you score the outside (I also saw two mounted rolling pins for this). The jig picture above has a dedicated adjustable cutter. This is helpful but not required. Using the side of the jig as a tool rest you can rotate the bottle with one hand while using the other to set the cutting pressure.
Commercial products
There are several commercial products that can do this as well if you are more comfortable.
In use it would look like this.
I have glass cutting experience but have never used a product like that. Videos of them used look very promising though if you are willing to spend the money.
Assuming you have a good score line then it is just a matter of encouraging the glass to break. This is surprisingly easy with some boiling water and cold tap water. You basically need to rapidly change the temperature of the glass near the score. You don't need extreme temperature for this though.
This likely has to be repeated a couple of times. Pour over boiling water slowly and rotate the bottle while pouring. After about 10 seconds of this you can take the bottle to the cold water from the tap.
The change in temperature should put enough stress on the bottle and it should fall apart. If you score line was good there is minimal clean up required and some light sanding would give you a smooth surface.
This also give you both ends of the bottle in a usable state.