I randomly stumbled upon this video https://youtu.be/TuEBKV6T5aU?t=31s
Where a user modded his Nintendo 64 and gave it a "custom paint job."
He mentions that he used 2 types of paint that were NOT compatible with each other in order to form this paint-job. He said the paints themselves try to separate which causes the cracking effect.
Personally, I really like this, and would like to do something similar with a project I'm working on.
My questions are,
Is there anything wrong with mixing paints that are NOT compatible? From what he mentions it's just that the paints don't mix and separate from each other, but is there any danger in doing this by mixing things that shouldn't be mixed?
Are there specific paints that would cause this effect, or would any 2 incompatible paints do this no matter the paint used? I'm essentially interested in other cool effects that could come about by mixing paints like this, but don't want to encounter any dangers.
note: I'm not sure if this is the right place for this type of question, or if this is more suited for the Chemistry-Stack?