In my personal opinion fabric is not a suitable material for any object that's supposed to last 5 - 8 years while being handled by a large number of people. If you cannot detach the fabric and wash it, it will look and feel dirty.
The durability shouldn't be a big problem if you use synthetic fibers. There are also thick and sturdy upholstery fabrics that should easily withstand being touched for several years.
The cleaning is a problem, especially if the fabric is glued to wood and cannot be cleaned effectively. Natural fibers like cotton soak up the natural oil and sweat from peoples hands and quickly look dirty. Synthetic fibers have a tendency to amplify odors produced by bacteria that live on our skin, so the fabric will smell dirty.
It just needs a single child with chocolate or ice cream on their fingers to ruin the fabric if you cannot clean it.
As an alternative I suggest:
- Completely water-proof the fabric after it's glued on. This may increase the cost for the entire project and the feel of the finished object will be very different.
- Use a water-resistant structured paint or even a water-resistant wallpaper to cover the kiosk. Wallpaper poses the risk of bored children trying to rip it off, so it has to be applied with a strong glue instead of usual wallpaper paste. Speckled or structured paint is usually available in home construction stores either in spray cans or in buckets to be brushed on. Please read the instructions on the buckets because you may need specific equipment to properly apply the paint.
Here's a random example (source) of speckled paint in a spray can. The lids give you an idea how the paint looks like.