Found this tool while cleaning out a workshop close to the sea, but what is it for and what's its name? I've guessed it's something for knotting, but can't find a reference on how to use it (it might of course be something totally else :)

The handle is in wood, the rest of the tool is made from steel, and the front part (that measures 20 mm at its widest place), looks like half a birds beak, a little bit curved. The tool is 180 mm long all in all.

Front: enter image description here

Side: enter image description here

Back: enter image description here

2 Answers 2


This looks like a bearing scraper, used for finishing the inside of soft metal bearings, such as Babbitt bearings which are made by pouring liquid metal directly around the shaft they will support, then disassembled and cleaned up before use. Such bearings are re-poured when they wear down, so this tool might have been from a maintenance shop, not necessarily a factory that originally made machinery having such bearings.

You can see some very similar tools and their use in this video on Babbitt bearings from Keith Rucker's YouTube channel, starting at 48:00. The narrow, slightly curved tip allows working on the perpendicularly curved inside surface of the bearing:

Frame from the above video of a scraper being used on half of a Babbitt bearing

(In this particular picture, it almost looks like the concave side is up, but actually the convex side is up, so the two edges are against the surface to scrape.)

  • 1
    That's it! Very interesting to finally get to know what it is! I don't have any soft metal bearings so I'll try to give it to someone that has :) Commented Aug 21, 2021 at 16:31

Thinking it is a woodworking tool for carving wood. They come in all different shapes and sizes. The images you provided have a similar body and shape commonly bought in a set.

enter image description here Image source from: here

  • Lyssagal, it doesn't look like there's any cutting edge on the tool in the question.
    – fixer1234
    Commented Aug 19, 2021 at 22:29

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